Friday 24 January 2014

Beach Walk

Our blog dates are out of whack.  Akragas was yesterday and the beach was today.  The weather was a bit dodgy today so when it cleared off we headed to the beach.  Our first attempt was a fail as the road was a mud hole so we had to abandon that one.  The next destination was 5 km closer to Sciacca and we found the right place to park.  These are the Italian equivalent of parks but there is still some development, a few beach bars/restaurants and a few places for lodging.  Everything is deserted in winter except for a few dogs barking and I think one bar is open.  Italian bars are cafes, they serve coffee and drinks.

It was pretty windy and the sky looked a bit ominous as we headed down the beach.  We got as far as Capo Bianco, the white cliffs in the pic, then we had to turn around as the tide was in and the waves made the beach in front of the cliffs impassable.

And that concludes this exciting blog post, hey, I did not blog about temples in this one.


  1. love the white cliffs! bandicoot asked for your blog link when I told her you were in Italy, so I hope you don't mind I shared. tracy

  2. No problem. Tracy, you would love it here, it keeps reminding me of Scotland, except the roads are wider.
